Game Story

The Heir

As the grandiose contest to determine the Heir of Dahlgaard came to its conclusion, the great master magician stood one last time on the stage. In the bright column of the theater lights, Dahlgaard asked his Heir to assist him in his act. The amazing duo performed one miraculous trick after the other, baffling every spectator. During the final routine, a piercing white light exploded from Dahlgaard’s hand, staggering even the Heir. Strains of Dahlgaard’s hair turned silver by the second, his apt hands began to shake, his frame became frail, his melodious voice rasp. The Heir opened his palm and there it was: the Trickerion Stone.

“You are its owner now, with it, I entrust to you our legacy of wonder. Let it be heard in all Magoria: I, Dahlgaard the Magnificent, leave my old manor to the magician community. Let it become an Academy, a place where masters of our craft can gather and teach the future generations. Let my legacy stand eternal and let illusion and marvel never vanish from memory.

Speaking about vanishing, please allow me conclude my trick.”

With that, the legend gave a grateful and kind smile to his Heir, bowed to the audience and his form started to turn to dust, like a figure formed from dry clay. Sudden darkness engulfed the theater, for a brief moment no soul moved. When the lights came back, Dahlgaard the Magnificent was gone, leaving only a faint trace of dust behind.

People claim every now and then seeing Dahlgaard in a dark alley, around the Pig Inn or in the theaters; like they should be, for as long as one coin is deftly plucked from thin air, one card masterfully picked, no one should forget the legend, who brought the Golden Age of Illusion.

As for the Academy – word of the initiative spread quickly, soon eager students flocked the peculiar building, celebrated illusionists volunteered as teachers and reconstruction works started. To their amazement, the ancient manor held many hidden rooms and signs only visible to a magicians eye, once uncovered, these could lead the lucky ones to some of Dahlgaard’s most prized secrets.

The Heir proclaimed that the Academy should be renovated as a common effort of the Magician community, but whoever contributes the most, shall become the Patron of Magoria. As time went by, it became obvious that the Academy will need a senior leader. Dahlgaard’s Heir knew there is only one way to settle this question satisfying for both magicians and laymen: a contest of skill and show. Thus, the senior magicians compete once again, whoever excels above the others, shall become the Rector Magnificus of the Academy.